About Share a Smile
Share A Smile is a Michigan-based non-profit charitable organization founded in 1999 to meet the unmet needs of ordinary citizens struggling with financial crisis, due to unemployment, health crisis, or natural disaster.
We pride ourselves on our ability to respond quickly to requests for help from neighbors in need, and our unique programs such as Winter Warmth, Back to School, and Holiday Smiles that work to meet urgent needs in our communities.

Who We Serve
Our charitable organization is organized to serve people in need in two ways:
- By providing direct assistance through bill payment to individuals and families struggling to obtain the basic needs of life.
- Creating and funding programs targeted at serving specific needs in the communities we serve.
Share A Smile focuses its efforts on helping
- Women in transition (those fleeing domestic violence or reentering the work force due to the death of a spouse or divorce)
- Special needs children
- Chronic or terminally ill people
- People with disabilities
- Any individual or family struggling to maintain or obtain their basic human needs such as shelter, warmth, clothing, medication, or utilities
Many of the individuals and families who seek assistance from Share A Smile are experiencing economic hardship for the first time in their lives – due to illness, unemployment, or natural disaster – and do not know where to turn.
Share A Smile works with other nonprofits in the community whose missions and clients served parallel ours and receives referrals from these agencies on behalf of their clients.
Operating Principles
The volunteers, Board of Directors and staff of Share A Smile are committed to pursuing these management principles:
- Recognize and fulfill our obligations of accountability to the public and to the charitable intent of our leadership, donors and volunteers
- Establish a clear, logical and consistent grant making process
- Communicate openly, respectfully and in a timely manner with our public partners, donors and grant applicants
- Recognize and respond to the changing societal conditions and issues facing the communities and people we serve
- Review, assess and evaluate our operations, procedures and results of our giving efforts on an annual basis
- Recognize the need for confidentiality in communicating and storing information about funding recipients and donors
Funding Priorities
Share A Smile is dedicated to helping individuals and families facing financial struggles due to circumstances occuring beyond their control (such as illness and natural disaster).
It is not the norm for us to fund requests for overdue mortgage payments, moving expenses, cable television service, credit card debt, purchasing automobiles, property tax or home improvement (windows,doors,fences), or the programs of other nonprofit organizations, political campaigns or sponsorships of other fund raising events.
Our focus centers on helping individuals and families with:
- Emergency needs and short-term bill payment for monthly or unexpected expenses
- Children with special needs
- Seniors
- Individuals with disabilities
- Women in transition (those reentering the work force as a result of divorce or victims of domestic violence)
- Individuals (adults and children) suffering from chronic or terminal illness
Specific annual requests can include:
- Holiday events for children
- Winter warmth fund that provides winter weather clothing and supplies for children
- Additional supplies for children in qualified school districts
Our Impact
Our collaborative initiatives and partnerships have effectively brought significant changes in the lives of those who require assistance.
Our Programs

Back to School
This program began in 2004 to help parents facing economic challenges send their children “back to school with a smile” along with clothing, backpacks and supplies.

Winter Warmth
Since 2004, the Winter Warmth program has purchased and distributed over 2,500 new winter coats to school children.

Holiday Smiles
Our adopt a family program, Holiday Smiles, began in 2006 and thanks to our hard working volunteers and sponsoring companies, Share A Smile has helped hundreds of families have a happy December holiday in communities across Michigan.
The work of Share A Smile has been endorsed by many other nonprofits. We are proud to work with these agencies to create a brighter future for the people of our community who turn to us for help.

Share A Smile would like to gratefully acknowledge the following organizations, businesses, and individuals for their generous support of our programs. Such partnerships makes it possible for us fulfill our mission of making a difference and bringing hope and happiness to our communities.